Style guide

Grammar. Punctuation. Spelling. Abbreviations. It’s all here.

Oxford commas

Controversial? Yes. Useful? Also yes. Also known as a serial comma, it's the comma that comes before "and" or "or" in a list of three or more things. We use them because they’re delightful, intentional, and oh-so attractive. Plus, they provide clarity.


At, it’s one word, not two.

What we call our users

We refer to our users as "members", because it's kind of like they've discovered an amazing savings club. (We even have a membership card if you want one!)


We use sentence casing around these parts. That means no all-caps EVER (ha, ha). And Title Casing Is Kind of Annoying So Avoid That Too, Please (unless it's an actual title, like Lord Emerald von Spottintot of Cashenhand III).

Character counts

This is how many characters are recommended to use in your copy before it gets cut o…

Push notifications
Title: 30-60cc
Body: 100-120cc

SMS messaging
Text: 160cc

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